What is this website ?

This website has been created in January 1997 by David De Neef.
Text under construction


The website has been opened on 15 January 1997, en has welcomed 350.000 visitors since this opening date.
You can find below some stats about the website :

On this website, you can find

Authors of this website

The conception and the maintenance of these pages, the updates and the technical support are supported by David De Neef.
The rolling stock pages have been created by Stefan Nicolaï, and are hosted on its website.
The infrastructure pages have been created by André Sintzoff, and the reworked and augmented by David De Neef.
Pictures are mostly coming from Nathaniel Musicant, Paul Grossaux, André Sintzoff and Patrick Van Acker, but many other visitors kindly sent me their photographs. Sounds and movies come from Bernard Vervy.
The model railroading section has been written by Nathaniel Musicant and David De Neef.

The information contained on this website is independent from any rail company. It is provided without any guarantees. The webmaster disclaims all responsibility for eventual mistakes on these pages.
Reproduction of information, pictures, drawings, sounds or movies from this website is forbidden without written permission of the webmaster.

Back to the homepagePage maintained by David De Neef. Last modification on 01/23/02 .
visitors on this page since 15th August 2001.